Couple of days before I heard one of my fellow teammates complaining about difficulty in identifying type of precedence constraint in SSIS like whether its for success,failure etc. Apparently he was color blind and was not able to distinguish them as green,red etc.So I was thinking whether there’s any way to get over this problem which he was facing.
I was searching among various options and settings in SSDT and finally managed to learn that the option in fact exists in 2012. The option is given below
See the option highlighted in blue. Setting it would make sure the precedence constraints would show labels beneath colored lines. Then package will look like below
Which makes it easy to distinguish precedence constraints even if you cant detect colors clearly.
One other property which I found really useful was one highlighted in green in the options screen.
Its particularly annoying for me to change the scripting language to VB (coming from a VB background) after adding script task each time. Setting property here would make sure script task always opens up with default language as VB as shown below
Hope you find these tips useful. Feel free to comment if you would like to see more tips like these.